Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fishy Situation

Can you imagine that one day you are aimlessly roaming around your usual environment and you encounter a crowd of foreign looking extremities with 5 protrusions on each limb? Some of them are hairy, some shaven, but these strange… things begin to surround you and soon enough you are enclosed by them with no escape. You begin to here muffled noises getting loader and earthlings reaching towards you, soon enough you are above water unable to breath.

In recent weeks, one particular dolphin was receiving a lot of media coverage. A crowd of people in an Argentinian beach found that a baby female dolphin was close to shore they surrounded the creature picked it up from the water and proceeded to pass it around and take pictures with it. after a few minutes out of water, like any fish the dolphin died in the hands of the beach goers but they continued to take pictures with it even after death. Once they were satisfied with their photographs the dolphin was discarded on the sand like an empty tin can with no further purpose.
Credits to: Martina
Once the occurrences of this event became public, the online world was outraged.
What baffles me is that these people were so quick to judge the actions of others and so ignorant to see that which they do themselves. 

Commercial fishing occurs on a daily basis. This is where fish nets of immense sizes and capacities are thrown into the sea in areas where wild life is most abundant and railed back in with a crane onto a boat. In these nets for every pound of fish caught five pounds of untargeted species are trapped too.

Here we see a variety of whale species, dolphin species, shark species, turtle species, and many other animals that are not consumed by our markets legally. These animals, which yearly make up 2.7 trillion of the animals killed at sea, are part of the collateral damage that commercial fishing causes and they make up 5% of every catch. Their meat, useless to the catchers, is thrown back into the ocean once dead or sold in black markets are rarities.

Aside from fish markets there are fish farms. The concept seems odd doesn’t it? Visualize gigantically cattle sized fish tightly gathered around closed fences. Stress in these cramped cylindrical bins propel the fish into cannibalism from loss of sanity. When consuming fish from these fish farms, the stress hormones that they produced during their lives are now toxins in the food sold in markets making the consumer susceptible to possible diseases.
Credits to: Zachary Lehman 

Commercial fish industries have some fishy business going on and the consumers have no clue.

When pulling fish out of water they experience a severe change in pressure which causes their stomachs to turn inside out, their eyes to bulge form their sockets, and their gills to collapse from an insufficient intake of oxygen that they receive from water molecules.

Fish and othersea creatures are the most abused of all the commercially consumed animals. Their inability to create noise audible to the human ear makes their screams unheard and un noticed but this does not mean they should not be treated with the same farness as all earths creatures.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Have A Glass Of Swine

What happens when Wilbur the pig does not meet Charlotte the spider?

In the story Charlotte’s Web, Wilbur escapes a near death experience. Being the runt of the litter, the chances of him surviving seems slim to none. But miraculously Wilbur’s life was spared. Throughout the duration of the story Charlotte the spider, Wilbur’s new guardian angel of some sort, devises a plan to keep Wilbur out of trouble and away from the slaughterhouse.  

Wilbur exemplifies pigs as a whole in this tale. He is a charming creature whose intellect is evident in his ability to follow charlottes instructions. He is social and friendly, always willing to make new acquaintances. He is curious, tranquil, generous, and above all loving.

The pig embodies the perfect pet, and in this story Wilbur lives the ideal life.

Nonetheless, this is just a tall tale, one that should go down in history as one of the biggest lies ever told to our younger generations and one we have ingested ourselves. The runt is never spared, and neither are the lives of the other piglets who seemingly had it better off then Wilbur. In unwritten finale, they will all find themselves locked behind cages were turning around is a privilege, where eating and drinking is a struggle, and where relieving themselves ruins their sleeping quarters.

It’s a harsh world for pigs. Being one of the most intellectual land creatures– scientifically proven as smarter then ourvery own house pets– they are the most seriously abused in the animal industries. Locked behind cages for the entirety of their lives, forced to give birth, by artificial insemination, in these filthy facilities and are unable to tend to their offspring after the fact. By the time they are fully grown, they are consumed by insanity before they are consumed by people. They chew at the metal rods of their cages until their teeth become brittle and shatter. Others become depressed and lay still until its their time to depart from their cruel realities. 

Not only do pigs face extremely grim conditions in life but they do in death as well. Pigs, much like cows, are killed in “humane” ways. They are either shot between the eyes to quickly process their bodies into consumable products or they are thrown in boiling pots of water squealing in pain. After this process, every inch of their body is severed and sold.

The largest amount of products in markets today have swine remnants. From the pink slime in hot dogs, to the bone marrow in Jell-O, to the layers of their muscle fibers in your breakfast ham sandwiches, pigs have take over the animal product world.

Yearly around 15,000,000 pigs are slaughtered. 100% of the people who allow this are meat eaters.

These astute beasts are wasted for the sole purpose of another being’s desire.

Vegans and vegetarians consume 0% of pigs. But in the United States this is only 1.9% of the population making it around 6,150,00 people who do not condone the murder of a creature whose assets are much more useful when alive.

In the effort to reduce these mass murders think twice about the products you buy, look for alternatives, and make sure to be informed about where your food comes from and what it has in it. It does not take being vegan to contribute to this cause, it simply takes putting desire aside and finding humanity within yourself to spare the lives of those who cannot control their own fate. Wilbur would appreciate this.

Credits to: singingwhatumean