Can you imagine that one day you are aimlessly roaming
around your usual environment and you encounter a crowd of foreign looking
extremities with 5 protrusions on each limb? Some of them are hairy, some
shaven, but these strange… things begin to surround you and soon enough you are
enclosed by them with no escape. You begin to here muffled noises getting
loader and earthlings reaching towards you, soon enough you are above water
unable to breath.
In recent
weeks, one particular dolphin was receiving a lot of media coverage. A crowd of
people in an Argentinian beach found that a baby female dolphin was close to
shore they surrounded the creature picked it up from the water and proceeded to
pass it around and take pictures with it. after a few minutes out of water,
like any fish the dolphin died in the hands of the beach goers but they
continued to take pictures with it even after death. Once they were satisfied
with their photographs the dolphin was discarded on the sand like an empty tin
can with no further purpose.
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Credits to: Martina |
Once the occurrences
of this event became public, the online world was outraged.
What baffles me is that these people were so
quick to judge the actions of others and so ignorant to see that which they do
fishing occurs on a daily basis. This is where fish nets of immense sizes and capacities
are thrown into the sea in areas where wild life is most abundant and railed
back in with a crane onto a boat. In these nets for every pound of fish caught
five pounds of untargeted species are trapped too.
Here we see a
variety of whale species, dolphin species, shark species, turtle species, and
many other animals that are not consumed by our markets legally. These animals,
which yearly make up 2.7 trillion of the animals killed at sea, are part of the
collateral damage that commercial fishing causes and they make up 5% of every
catch. Their meat, useless to the catchers, is thrown back into the ocean once dead
or sold in black markets are rarities.
Aside from
fish markets there are fish farms.
The concept seems odd doesn’t it? Visualize gigantically cattle sized fish tightly
gathered around closed fences. Stress in these cramped cylindrical bins propel
the fish into cannibalism from loss of sanity. When consuming fish from these
fish farms, the stress hormones that they produced during their lives are now
toxins in the food sold in markets making the consumer susceptible to possible diseases.
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Credits to: Zachary Lehman |
fish industries have some fishy business going on and the consumers have no
When pulling
fish out of water they experience a severe change in pressure which causes
their stomachs to turn inside out, their eyes to bulge form their sockets, and
their gills to collapse from an insufficient intake of oxygen that they receive
from water molecules.
Fish and othersea creatures are the most abused of all the commercially consumed animals.
Their inability to create noise audible to the human ear makes their screams
unheard and un noticed but this does not mean they should not be treated with
the same farness as all earths creatures.
It is clear that a more sustainable way of fishing needs to be adopted. Wild Caught fish can easily drain the population of a body of water rapidly, while farming poses its own unique problems. The detrimental effects of fish farming vary widely among species. For example salmon farming is supposed to be terrible for the environment, while fish like catfish are supposed to pose less of an environmental impact.